
We love to have fun all year. Whether there’s snow falling or wildflowers growing, there’s always something going on in Morris.

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Shop With Santa’s Helpers

Prairie Arts & Gifts 630 Atlantic Ave, Morris, MN, United States

A day for your child to shop for family and friends Join us at Prairie Art & Gifts for a day of gift shopping with your children. Santa’s helpers will be there all day to help your child select gifts for their family, friends, teachers, etc. from our collection of handmade arts and crafts, including…

Event Series Story Time at the Library

Story Time at the Library

Morris Public Library 102 E 6th St, Morris, MN, United States

Our weekly Story Time returns! Join us every Thursday at 10:30 am for Story Time led by UMM TREC students, followed by a craft project. These story times and activities are geared toward children from toddlers to early elementary!

Holiday Movie at the Morris Public Library

Morris Public Library 102 E 6th St, Morris, MN, United States

This 1990 American Christmas comedy film directed by Chris Columbus. Th film stars Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, and Catherine O'Hara. Culkin plays Kevin McCallister, a boy who defends his suburban Chicago home from a home invasion by a pair of robbers after his family accidentally leaves him behind on their Christmas…